One of our longtime customers, Nathan Russell from Granite Gardens in Tenants Harbor, Maine called to place his order the other day. Nathan uses his own truck to pick up our compost products for his garden center. Although it is beautiful, the ride is over 3 hours to our composting and bagging facility in Marion, Maine.
After he ordered he asked, “Can I leave my rig in your yard over the weekend? My wife and I eloped to West Quoddy Head 11 years ago and this weekend is our anniversary. I would like to drive up with my truck on Friday and leave my rig in the Coast of Maine yard while we celebrate over the weekend in Lubec.”
This request made me smile because it reflects the relationship we have with our customers. I knew the answer would be yes but I had to check to make sure it was O.K. with Ruby Trott and Jeff Moore who run our compost facility.
This time of year is crazy with production, bagging and loading trucks. Jeff and Ruby do a wonderful job making sure that everything is running up to par. They are two of the hardest working people I know. They are also partners in life and have great big “Downeast” souls and sensibilities.
Ruby checked with Jeff and of course it was fine with them.
Nathan will drive up with his wife, spend a beautiful weekend in Lubec, along the Bay of Fundy, and then pick up his load of Coast of Maine soils.
His load will include our Fundy Enriching Mulch named after the Bay of Fundy and our Penobscot Blend Complete Planting Mix named after Penobscot Bay, where Nathan lives.
Granite Gardens also sells of Quoddy Lobster Compost, so whether Nathan and his wife Jody are working at the garden center, celebrating their marriage or simply visiting one of the most beautiful places in the world, Coast of Maine will always be there even if it is just to offer some free parking.
japanese painted fern
A news story this morning mentioned that Grow Biointensive is the future of gardening. Have you read anything about this trend?