Healthy soil is the key to healthy plants
The key to successful growing is soil quality. Healthy soil that is rich in organic material means healthy, disease resistant plants that require less watering and feeding.
Organic material is naturally recycled plant and animal matter that has been allowed to decompose slowly and return to the soil. In a word, COMPOST! The finest compost-based soils and mulches combine decomposed marine and plant matter teeming with the naturally occurring micro-organisms all plants need for healthy growth.
Here at Coast of Maine we are proud of the quality of our composts. We start with carefully designed and tested recipes and the very best ingredients. Just as important, we pay close attention to detail throughout the composting process. That means frequent turning, sampling and testing and a lengthy aging and curing process.
Mount Desert Island Blend Organic Cactus & Succulent mix is handcrafted to offer you what we believe is the best soil designed for all your cactus, succulent, tropical palms and citrus plant gardening needs.
We use all natural ingredients
Mount Desert Island Blend is made from: sphagnum peat, organic compost, sand, aged bark, biochar, lime, fish bone meal, and kelp meal. This ready-to-use-formula offers both excellent drainage and sufficient water retention. It is pH balanced and offers organic nutrients that promote healthy root and plant growth.
Follow these few simple steps
How to plant a cactus or succulent garden
• Choose a container that will fit the cactus plants / succulents that you have chosen with a little room to spare for growth. A 3”- 4” depth container is adequate (cacti have shallow roots), and a
drainage hole is needed. Clay pots are perfect.
• Fill the dish 1/3 to 1/2 full with Mount Desert Island Blend.
• Remove each plant from its pot and arrange in the container. Place tall-growing plants in the center and alternate plants with different shapes, textures and colors to create a miniature desert landscape.
• Once all plants are in place, add more mix to cover the root balls. Lightly press the potting mix
around the plants, leaving about 1/2” to 1” space
below the rim of the container to allow for watering. To avoid
rotting the plant, cover only the plant’s roots with soil.
• Spread small pebbles or clean sand over the top of the soil after
you’re done planting.
• Water sparingly after planting, just a small amount around each root
ball. Keep in mind that cacti need less water than succulents. Place
the cactus garden in a sunny warm location.
How to repot a cactus or succulent
- Select a pot with a drainage hole that is about 1” wider than the width of the root ball and fill it about one-third full of cactus mix.
• Remove the plant from its old pot using tongs, rubber gloves or rolled-up towel if it has spines. If it is pot-bound,
use a knife and gently slip it around the inside of the pot to loosen it.
• Place the plant in the center of the pot and add mix to cover the root ball. Lightly press the potting mix around the plant, leaving about 1/2” to 1” space below the rim of the container to allow for watering. Make sure the plant is sitting at the same depth as it was in the original pot.
• Water the plant lightly and place in a sunny, warm location.
In the spring and summer, when the cactus is actively growing, the soil should be kept damp at around 1” below the surface. Also, during this time, fertilize 2 or 3 times with a fertilizer intended for these plants. Be careful not to over-water in the colder months when they are dormant and withhold all fertilizer.
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