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Dark Bark Mulch

(Does not include delivery fee)

Dark Bark Mulch


A naturally rich, dark chocolate brown mulch made from pine and spruce bark. It is finer in texture and has a dense consistency. It helps retain soil moisture and suppress weed growth. As there are no dyes in this mulch, it may fade over time, depending on moisture and sunlight. Use to mulch around trees, shrubs, and perennials.


Product Highlight Features:

  • For mulching beds & shrubs
  • Made with naturally composted aged dark bark
  • Helps prevent weeds & retain moisture
  • Designed specifically for mulching perennials and annual beds and around roses, shrubs and trees.
  • Made with 100% Natural Ingredients.


Available in 2 cubic foot bags.


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Dark Bark Mulch has been allowed to age for several years, thereby darkening to a rich chocolate brown. As it has achieved this color naturally. Please note that this older mulch has begun to break down, and tends to have a higher bulk density, a finer texture and as such is heavier. For this reason, Dark Bark Mulch is available only in two cubic foot bags.

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