Independent retailers are constantly challenged with deciding on what products to carry. Does the product represent their business philosophy? Does it have enough intrinsic value and brand recognition to maintain good margins? Is the packaging attractive and informative? Is the product quality and availability good and consistent? In short does the product increase the bottom line while building customer loyalty and trust?
On a recent visit to Riverside Nursery & Garden Center in Collinsville, Connecticut, recognized by Today’s Garden Center as one of the top 100 Revolutionary Garden Centers in the country; I interviewed Jena Hinman Keller in regard to these very questions.
The result of the interview is a four and a half minute video in which Jena articulately explains her thought process in selecting the products she carries. She is very aware of the look, the credibility of the product, the message that Riverside is sending to the customer by carrying the product, how the product enhances the garden center’s reputation as the “gardening experts” and her choice to be more upfront in pushing organic products.
We invite you to watch the video and we thank Jena for choosing Coast of Maine.
Click the link below: