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Liquid Squid (2-3-0) – Social Media Content

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How to Promote an Ad on Facebook Tutorial

Coast of Maine’s Cameron Bonsey walks you through how to create an ad, select an audience and budget for Facebook promotions.

Click Here to watch Video—>

Facebook and Instagram Images:

Right click on the images below to copy and paste, or save them to your desktop. Then, share them directly to your store’s social media pages:

Liquid Squid (2-3-0) All Natural Plant Food for Indoor Plants





Copy and paste these hashtags into the bottom of your social media post.  Don’t forget to add one for your store and store’s location!

#LiquidSquid #Squidtastic #SquidFoliarSpray #SprayOnSomeSquid  #SquidUp #SquidSprayAllDay #SquidWord #SoilBiology #OrganicGardener #GrowOrganic #GiveYourPlantsTheBest #GrowYourOwn  #OrganicGardening    #ChemicalFree #CoastOfMaineOrganic


YouTube Videos:

Copy and paste the video description and the link into your social media page.  It will automatically direct the viewer and it will also automatically load a preview of it at the bottom of your post!

Videos featuring Liquid Squid, All-Natural Plant Food :

Liquid Squid 2-3-0

Coast of Maine’s Liquid Squid is a highly concentrated liquid fertilizer used to feed indoor, house and tropical plants. It can also be used to supplement greenhouse and hydroponic crops as well as annuals, roses, perennials, vegetables, fruit, shrubs and trees outside. Once diluted, it can be watered-in or applied as a foliar spray. It is made from longfin inshore squid using a unique enzymatic cold digestion process.

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