ICAW International Compost Awareness Week is May 3 – 9, 2020!
The US Composting Council (USCC) and the Composting Council Research and Education Foundation (CCREF)’s International Compost Awareness Week program teamed up to kick off a new campaign that gives us all something beneficial to our marketing and good news to disseminate: Use compost in your Victory Garden!
How Does Your Victory Garden Grow?
Make Sure It Grows SUCCESSFULLY With Compost
Growing a Victory Garden is a great way to sustain your family, community, and the planet through times of uncertainty.
Compost and the Victory Garden – Compost is an essential ingredient to a successful Victory Garden, providing nutrients and organic matter to replenish tired soil. Even if you are unable to get soil tests, a 5% compost to soil ratio will help your garden flourish! Often this means adding compost 1-2” deep for every 6-8” of soil you dig into.